for Us is a trans-friendly transportation application with inclusivity and safety built-in.
The design utilizes human-centered design methodologies to ensure that the targeted user stays the priority and the focus throughout the design process. I designed the application to exclusively serve trans passengers while employing trans drivers.
The main features of the 'for Us' app are aimed to protect its users:
1. SOS Function
Calling the police in an emergency, speaking with a dispatcher, describing the situation, and providing the location is too large of a challenge for someone in a vulnerable position; therefore, I designed the SOS swipe function. The slider offers a quick and discrete way to contact the police and receive help in an effective manner, without compromising the driver or passenger.
2. Priority Ride Feature
The Priority Ride Feature is to be used if a user is in a place where they do not feel safe and are in desperate need of a ride, the user pushes this button, and the application sends the closest driver(s) to their location to give them a free ride to a safe location of their choosing.
*for Us is a hypothetical product created as a final project for Informatics 284: Advanced Design and Prototyping as part of the UCI Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design program, Winter 2021.
1. The Need
2. The Problem
3. The Solution
4. Concept Sketches
5. Wireframes
6. UI Designs
7. The Benefit
1. The Need

2. The Problem

3. The Solution

4. Concept Sketches

5. Wireframes

6. UI Design

7. The Benefit